Who we are

Our members

The LEO-NET community consists of (traineeship) mobility experts from Higher Education Institution’s international offices, (traineeship) mobility consortia, traineeship experts from career services, student counselling services, alumni centres and other traineeship- or international HE-mobility related organisations.
Membership is institutional, though it is the representatives of the member-institutions who keep the community agile.

The LEO-NET network comprises approximately 40 direct member institutions. About 25% represent an ERASMUS+ mobility Consortium, each representing a number of higher education institutions. These Consortia-members collectively represent over 100 higher education institutions, constituting LEO-NET’s indirect members.

Common interest

Our shared ambition and common interest are clearly reflected in LEO-NET’s mission.

Together we prepare youngsters for the future and create leverage for employability. We address common challenges in our work: also sharing successes. Together, we form a breeding ground fostering new ideas and concepts, developing strategies for improvement. Most of the members are involved in the (EU) educational mobility schemes and other opportunities that promote qualitative internships on a non-commercial basis.

The specific expertise of each member can be found in the community platform (members only).

LEO-NET empowers the members by

  • offering communication channels and opportunities to exchange expertise, knowledge and inspiration
  • providing peer learning and training modules
  • maintaining communication lines with policy makers on different levels, in the (EU) educational mobility schemes and other opportunities
  • launching new ideas that bring the common goals within reach
  • the community platform and regular meeting opportunities. Exchanges of views and lively discussions are indeed part of LEO-NET’s DNA.

Input of the members is of the utmost importance and highly valued, in particular when we prepare for policy papers to the European Commission and during our meetings.

Joining forces is our credo, together we can achieve more

The Board

LEO-NET is a neutral, non-profit association with a democratic and transparent structure.
The Board keeps the LEO-NET wheel turning. They are members, as are the resource persons. The latter are eligible for becoming members of the Board. The commitment of the board members and resource persons is voluntary and unpaid.

One single institutional membership fee allows up to 5 people of your institution to connect directly.

Meet the current members of LEO-NET!

Patricia Burssens
Executive board member
Universiteit Gent

Karol Ovesný
Board member
Workspace Europe

Sophia Siegfried
Board member
Ilmenau University of Technology


Former members of the LEO-NET board are appreciated for their voluntary efforts and contribution to what LEO-NET is today.