Geplaatst: 29 January 2025

LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2025, Kaunas, Lithuania

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LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2018, Barcelona, Spain



LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2019, Leiria, Portugal



LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2021, Online



LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2022, Ghent, Belgium



LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia


Geplaatst: 21 November 2023

LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2024, Porto, Portugal


Geplaatst: 10 March 2023

LEO-NET Annual Seminar 2023


Let’s explore new geographical horizons regarding internships, and gain new insights about virtual internships, future-oriented skills, and inclusion on the work floor. Let’s learn why the mental balance of interns is important as well as for ourselves.
Discover the role of regional traineeship mobility consortia and how we want to interconnect them.

Bratislava, 19-21 April, 2023

LEO-NET secretariat   –   –   +31402474336 / +31651541168

Workspace Europe – Coordinator of Slovak Consortium of Universities for Erasmus+ traineeships

Falkensteiner Hotel Bratislava
Pilárikova ulica 5
SK-811 03 Bratislava
Tel +421 2 2101196 0

Pre-seminar activities

April 19

A tour of the biggest and oldest state University in Slovakia with a brief presentation of their international activities.

Location:  Šafárikovo námestie 6, 814 99, Bratislava

A tour of a small modern private University representing the new/innovative ways of higher education with a brief presentation of their international activities.

Location: Grösslingová 53, 811 09, Bratislava

  • 20:00: Meet & Greet your trainees

Participants can invite their trainees, who are at that moment in Bratislava or nearby, for a drink offered by LEO-NET and listen to their traineeship experiences.

Location: Kolkovna Eurovea, Pribinova 8, 811 09 Bratislava.

Seminar programme

April 20

09:00 – 09:30 Registration

09:30 – 10:00: Opening seminar

  • Welcome by Karol Ovesný, Workspace Europe (Slovakia)
  • Introduction to the seminar by the LEO-NET Board

 10:00 – 11:00: Why going for a traineeship in Slovakia & the Central and Eastern European region.

  • Mrs. Anastasiia Shevchenko, Placement Slovakia porgramme (Slovakia)
  • Mr. Sergio Molla Garcia, foreign trainee in Slovakia (Spain)

Let us explore the several aspects why Slovakia is an interesting destination for your students to go on traineeships and gain professional skills and an unforgettable life experience. The session will include examples of successful stories as well as peculiarities of going for traineeships in Central & Eastern Europe from the point of view from both the host companies as foreign trainees.

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30:  Virtual Internship Academy – a new EU supported project to help Students, Host organisations and Universities introduce, manage and successfully complete Virtual Internships.

  • Karol Ovesný, Workspace Europe (Slovakia)
  • John David, Amnick Social Enterprise (UK)

Within this session the new recently completed project of 6 partner organisations, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union in the area of digital education will be introduced. The Virtual Internship Academy offers students, companies and universities a free access to online course learning modules in the area of virtual internships and remote work. These modules are specifically prepared by professionals in the field to provide necessary knowledge and basic peculiarities about remote work, management and completion of virtual internships.

12:30 – 13:15: Competence Pass – a compass for development of future skills during an Erasmus traineeship abroad?

  • Thomas Berger, Institut inter.research e.V. (Germany)

Let us explore how online reflective practice can support students’ future skills development during a traineeship abroad. The Competence Pass (CP) developed and piloted by our consortium, the Network for Erasmus-Traineeships and University Business Coop., will be introduced and discussed as a tool for developing students’ competences through reflection. You will leave the session with a copy of CP which you can adapt to your needs in order to empower your students’ future skills development.

13:15 – 14:15: lunch

14:15 – 15:45: How to set your goals

  • Martina Vysluzilova, Transformational Coach (Spain)

How to set your goals so that you avoid a burnout, broken relationships, bad health and financial and emotional bankruptcy? Designed to challenge you to master yourself, this interactive presentation will provide you with the opportunity to learn the latest discoveries in neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics and deepen your understanding of how you create your reality with your mind through your choices. In 90 min of theory and practice you will learn HOW TO SET YOUR GOALS to create success with your wealth, health, love or fulfillment without struggle and elevate your life to what you now might consider impossible.

15:45 – 16:15: coffee break

16:15 – 17:00: LEO-NET member meeting

18:30 – 21:30: Cooking workshop/dinner at THE NOOK Restaurant


April 21

09:30 – 10:30: Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027: state of art

  • Johannes Gehringer, European Commission, DG Education, Youth, Sport & Culture / Higher Education (Belgium)

Mr. Gehringer will present the state of art of the present Erasmus+ Programme, especially for traineeship mobility. After a few years we have experienced the improvements and challenges. This session is a great opportunity for discussion and Q&A’s.

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00: The importance of the well-being of trainees

  • Patricia Burssens, Ghent University (Belgium)

Being a student is more than just studying. The time students spend in higher education involves integral personal development. Studying offers opportunities, but also many personal challenges. An internship is a learning situation that may bring additional incentives and challenges, also for young graduates. The session will give insight in the importance of prevention and detection of emotional coping by 18-24 year olds in the frame of public mental health care. Which role could there be for internship supervisors at early signal detection? How to respond if the supervisor’s ‘feelers’ tells that the trainee may be struggling with something? How to briefly engage with trainees; how & where to refer if the trainee needs help before, during, or after an internship.

The session includes also a presentation of good practices in Flanders (Belgium).

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch

14:00 – 15:00: Present trends in companies regarding inclusion of their staff

  • Thomas Faltner, the President of IAESTE Global (Austria)

With several case studies this session will introduce several very different models how inclusion of staff as well as interns can be mastered from a company perspective and also give some ideas, how the education sector can be involved. In addition during a group exercise will put ourselves in the shoes of companies and try to find an approach how to become more inclusive.

As inclusion is a very wide aspect, the session will also give some background about the terminology and how different departments are connected to become more inclusive.

15:00 – 16:45: Erasmus+ Consortia

  • Sophia Siegfried and Mrs. Susanne Friedemann, EU-Praktikum THURINGEN (Germany)
    In Germany, most of Erasmus+ SMPs are run within a consortium. This session will provide you with an overview of consortia work. Including the advantages in the application and organizational implementation as well as the status of a consortium within the state government. Also important is the position of a consortium towards its own National Agency. The presentation will show the possibilities of setting up and composing consortia as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
  • LEO-NET board

2013 is the date of the former (paper) directory of mobility consortia. So now in 2023, it is due time for a thorough (online) update. The why, goal, and call for action to contribute to the search/identification of current consortia will be explained.

16:45 – 17:00: Wrap up & Closing



Biography Speakers Seminar 2023



Practical details

Please note:
Fees do not include accommodation and travel.

  • For participants who decide to become an LEO-NET member at the time of their registration the seminar fee for LEO-NET members will be applicable
  • Participants will receive a 20% reduction on their seminar fee if they bring along another colleague from their institution
  • Registration deadline: April 12, 2023
    The seminar has a limited capacity of 50 people. Registrations will be handled upon order of receipt.
  • Cancellation policy:
    Till April 12, 2023: € 50 for administrative costs

After April 12, 2023: no refund is applicable
No VAT is applicable.

Contact the local host for practical assistance: Ms. Anna Kurylo, email: Tel: +421950451339


Vienna international airport (45 min from Bratislava, achievable by shuttle buses every hour)

Bratislava Airport

How to get to Bratislava? (in case you arrive at Vienna airport): Bus stops are right in front of the entrance of Arrivals. The trip takes around 45 minutes. Best to get off at the final station called Mlynské Nivy. (up to 30 min walking distance from the city center hotels)

Slovak Lines platform 4
Buy here

Flixbus platform 2-6
Buy here

Regiojet platform 3
Buy here

How to get to the meeting venue:
Walking distance from the city center. If you need further information about transportation in Bratislava please contact us.


  1. Falkensteiner Hotel Bratislava
    Address: Pilarikova 5, Bratislava

The hotels recommended below are situated in the city center, within short walking distance from the meeting venue:

  1. Crowne Plaza 4****
    Address: Hodzovo Namestie 2, 21625 Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 5934 8111 /
  1. AC hotel by Marriot 4****
    Address: Vysoka 2A, Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 2002 0000 /
  1. Radisson Blu Carlton 4****
    Address: Hviezdoslavovo namestie 3, Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 5939 0500 /
  1. Sheraton Bratislava Hotel 5*****
    Address: Prbinova 12, Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 3535 0000
  1. Loft Hotel Bratislava 4****
    Address: Stefanikova 4, Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 5751 1003 /
  1. Park Inn by Radisson Danube Bratislava 4****
    Address: Rybne namestie 1, Bratislava
    Booking: +421 2 5934 0000 /


Geplaatst: 22 February 2017

Barcelona Seminar 2018

LEO-NET Annual Barcelona Seminar

Barcelona, April 12-13, 2018

The annual LEO-NET Barcelona Seminar will take place in Barcelona on the 12-13 April.  Read more about the practical details, including the seminar fees and suggestions for accommodation. Registration is open now, please click hereA short bio about the speakers can be found here.


Click here to download this programme as a PDF.

DateApril 12 - 13, 2018
VenueUniversitat Pompeu Fabra – Ciutadella Campus
Ramón Trias Fargas, 25-27, Barcelona
ContactLeo-Net secretariat: - +31402472741

April 11th (20.00)

Meet your trainees in Barcelona (address of venue will be provided later on)

April 12th (09.00 – 17.00)

09.00: Registration

09.30 – 09.45: Opening seminar and Welcome by host university ‘Universitat Pompeu Fabra’

09.45 – 11.00: ERASMUS +:

  • Leo-Net position paper October 2017 and Status Quo ERASMUS+
    Open discussion with participants and Mr. Johannes Gehringer, representative of the European Commission on the various topics

11.00: Coffee break

11.45 – 12.15: Quality of traineeships

  • Mr. Pierre Bosser, Interns go pro – BE
    European Label for quality traineeships the ‘Capqi project’

12.15 – 12.30: ERASMUS+

  • Mrs. Ana Cecília de Oliveira Gândara Boa-Ventura, Politécnico di Leiria –  PT
    ICM Traineeships- Are we ready for it?

12.30 – 13.00: ERASMUS+

  • Mr. Johannes Gehringer, European Commission – BE
    Latest information about the future programme

13.00 – Lunch

15.00 – 17.00: Train the trainer

  • Mr. Bert Verdonck, Scredible – BE
    LinkedIn can be an added value for a sustainable career. How to optimize it’s use and stand out from the crowd?

19.00 – Social programme

April 13th (09.30 – 14.00)

09.30 – 10.30: Leo-Net general member meeting

10.30 – 11.10: University Enterprise cooperation

  • Mr. Karol Ovesny, Workspace Europe – SK
    Students building bridges with SME’s at home

11.30 – Coffee break

11.45 – 12.30: Impact of traineeships

  • Mrs. Jaana Mutanen, EDUFI – FI
    Finland’s hard-working and confident experts abroad – Impact assessment of CIMO’s international trainee programmes

12.30 – 13.30: Impact of traineeships

  • Mrs. Line Pillet, Pillet & Partners – CH
    Getting the most benefit out of a traineeship abroad – A set of qualitative performance indicators

13.30 – 14.00: Wrap-up  seminar and closure of the seminar

14:00: Lunch

Practical details

Contact: @ Leo-Net secretariat  –  +31402472741
Venue: Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Ciutadella Campus Ramón Trias Fargas, 25-27, Barcelona

Seminar fees

Seminar 12-13 April
Leo-Net member Early Bird (deadline 15.03.2018)€ 395
Leo-Net member € 475
Non Leo-Net member € 590

Seminar fees include:

March202122Erasmus+ Consortia
meeting fee
March 22 includes:
Refreshments during seminarXXXX
Social programme / dinerX

Please note:
For participants who decide to become a LEO-NET member at time of their registration the seminar fee for LEO-NET members will be applicable!

Participants will receive a 20% reduction on their seminar fee if they bring along another colleague from their institution!

No VAT applicable.
Price does not include accommodation and travel.

Hotel Suggestions

Please view the hotels in the area of the UPF Campus Ramón Trias Fargas,  25-27. Hotel Catalonia Born can be highly recommended by the Leo-Net board.
