Much effort is made by HEI to convince companies to also take on interns for relatively short internships and short term experiential learning opportunities. Whereas many organisations, companies and SME’s tend to consider only long internships as really worth the investment. In this webinar Maarten Brand will share his vision and valuable tips for companies on the underestimated added value of short internships and learning experiences, which will enable you to engage in a refreshed dialogue with companies. Win-Win!
LEO-NET members who attended the Porto Seminar last spring will certainly remember Maarten Brand (NL) as an inspiring speaker. He is a well-known internship expert in The Netherlands. With his office Bureau Brand, he helps companies and organisations to set up internships as successfully as possible. He advises and trains employers and educational institutions to ensure that every internship is a success. He has written several best-selling books on internships.
As usual we include some time for a lively discussion!