LEO-NET Position Paper Publised
The aim of the position paper is to share the LEO-NET members’ vision on the Erasmus+ programme, to share their concerns and to contribute to future traineeship mobility programmes.
The paper focuses on the following topics intertwined with (graduate) traineeship mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme:
Consistent development of the added value of consortia will positively affect the quality of traineeships. Rethinking the efficient use of resources and the adaptation of the financial flows and grant administration will allow to spend more time and attention to quality enhancement too. The latter can also be enforced by structural cooperation initiatives among consortia and between consortia and HEIs, as it will encourage peer learning and the sharing of good practices and expertise.
The impact of the current financial support for trainees can be enhanced by a levelling of the grants in certain situations; at all times bearing in mind that the financially more vulnerable groups should not be affected. The protection of the trainee while carrying out their tasks during the traineeship, is another concern. Last but not least the extension of the target group is considered an asset in the struggle against youth unemployment. A number of opportunities for quality improvement and a more efficient and effective use of resources are proposed to future programmes with a view to sustainable careers of young graduates. The suggestions aim at better responding to the goals of the Erasmus+ programme and the future successor programme in particular, and at better meeting the broader challenges that the European Commission is facing, such as Youth Unemployment, Youth Guarantee and Inclusion.
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