Geplaatst: 23 September 2020

Webinar important contribution from the SPRINT-project

LEO-NET is happy to invite you to join the webinar about the important contribution from the SPRINT-project to quality internships.

SPRINT is the acronym for STANDARDIZE BEST PRACTICES ABOUT INTERNSHIPS. A 3 year European strategic partnership with HEIs, employers, students unions and other stakeholders on board.

The aim was to build common European criteria and common tools for quality internships. The existing rules, the brakes and barriers to quality internships as well as the best practices were the first bases of the work of Sprint. Hard work, synergies and consultation rounds, all with the support of the French standardization agency (AFNOR) representing the European standardization committee, resulted in eight important criteria for quality internships: recruitment, written agreement, remuneration, skills development, tutoring, career development and employment, work environment and working conditions, and social protection and insurance.
Moreover SPRINT developed tools to implement these criteria for HEI’s as well as for organizations hosting interns: guides and a self-assessment website. Staff trainings will be offered too.

Right from its initial start, LEO-NET has always been concerned about quality internships, so we are indeed very happy to cooperate in the dissemination of the outputs of the SPRINT-project.

The webinar starts at 11 o’clock. After the introduction and presentation (45’), we include time for Q&A and a lively discussion (until 12.15 max).

LEO-NET membership is institutional. You are kindly invited to spread this invitation within your own institution. You and your colleagues are welcome join the webinar after individual registration

The link to the webinar will be shared Wednesday at the latest.


Geplaatst: 7 July 2020

First webinar on Erasmus+ topics

On July 1, 2020 Leo-Net organised its first webinar on Erasmus+ topics. It was very nice to see our members again and discuss the interesting topics they had raised.

Due to the great success Leo-Net will deliver more webinars in the future. In order to prepare the best content for the members, we would like to ask you for your help in suggesting what topics you would like to be included.

Please state your topic ideas in this online form.

Thank you very much and looking forward to see you at the next webinar after the summer!

Geplaatst: 23 September 2019

Consortia Day Antwerp November 26th, 2019

Consortia Day Antwerp November 26th, 2019

Are you interested in how we can further extend and shape a Community of Consortia?

Read more


60 days open commenting phase

60-days-open-commenting-phase for the Erasmus+ SPRINT project

The SPRINTproject aims at improving young people’s integration into the labour market by creating a European Quality framework for Internships.
SPRINT: “Standardize best PRactices about INTernships” is a three-year project that started on September 1st 2017.
It is a strategic partnership project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme that aims to improve young people’s integration into the labour market by creating a European Quality framework for Internships.
You’ll find here all the useful information :

More information

You’ll find here all the useful information :