Brainstorm session with present Consortia and other interested participants about a project idea for a KA2 Application under the ERASMUS+ programme in 2023
Geplaatst: 6 December 2022
Brainstorm session with present Consortia and other interested participants about a project idea for a KA2 Application under the ERASMUS+ programme in 2023
Geplaatst: 29 April 2022
For nearly 20 years LEO-NET is active in the field of traineeship mobility and traineeship consortia. This as an international network connecting experts from mobility consortia, International Relation offices, career centers, student counselling services.
All sharing the collective ambition to boost students and young graduates for sustainable careers in a globalizing, inclusive society where each talent counts.
Right from the start of LEO-NET (1999) consortia have been embraced and valued for their specific role in enhancing European traineeship mobility.
Currently the European Commission is working on the design of the successor of the present ERASMUS+ Programme. Therefore many of our Consortia members are convinced that extra attention for the role of Consortia is at stake (cf. chapter 1 in the position paper drawn up by LEO-NET in October 2017).
The Programme will start at 09.30 (registration and coffee at 09.00) and closes at 17.00
09.00 – Coffee and registration
09.30 – 09.45: Opening seminar
09.45 – 10.15: ERASMUS+
Mr. Johannes Gehringer, representative of the European Commission, BE
10.15 – 11.00: Consortia
Mr. Thomas Berger, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany
11.00 – Coffee break
11.30 – 12.30: Consortia
Mr. Thomas Berger, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany
12.30 – Lunch
13.30 – 14.30: Quality of Traineeships
14.30 – 15.15: Host Organisation
15.15 – Coffee break
15.45 – 16.45: Cooperation
16.45 – 17.00: Wrap up and Closure of the Consortia Day
Geplaatst: 23 September 2019
For nearly 20 years LEO-NET is active in the field of traineeship mobility and traineeship consortia. This as an international network connecting experts from mobility consortia, International Relation offices, career centers, student counselling services.
All sharing the collective ambition to boost students and young graduates for sustainable careers in a globalizing, inclusive society where each talent counts.
Right from the start of LEO-NET (1999) consortia have been embraced and valued for their specific role in enhancing European traineeship mobility.
Currently the European Commission is working on the design of the successor of the present ERASMUS+ Programme. Therefore many of our Consortia members are convinced that extra attention for the role of Consortia is at stake (cf. chapter 1 in the position paper drawn up by LEO-NET in October 2017).
The Programme will start at 09.30 (registration and coffee at 09.00) and closes at 17.00
09.00 – Coffee and registration
09.30 – 09.45: Opening seminar
09.45 – 10.15: ERASMUS+
Mr. Johannes Gehringer, representative of the European Commission, BE
10.15 – 11.00: Consortia
Mrs. Marjo van der Valk, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL –Executive board member Leo-Net
11.00 – Coffee break
11.30 – 12.30: Consortia
12.30 – Lunch
13.45 – 14.15: Consortia
European Universities – YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe
Mr. Tim Engels, Antwerp University, BE
14.15 – 15.15: Consortia
Mrs. Patricia Burssens, Ghent University, BE – Board member Leo-Net
15.15 – Coffee break
15.45 – 16.45: Consortia
16.45 – 17.00: Wrap up and Closure of the Consortia Day